On broken-heartedness
This human experience carries with it moments that feel like a bridge too far. And we wonder if we will ever find our way back from the outer reaches of anguish.
It’s a Go Live on the Site refresh!
Welcome to the new digs. Have a cruise around, take it in. If any of the content inspires interest or questions, don’t hesitate to drop a note!
The Trap of Expectations
I have come to recognize that the more I expect of others, in their coulds and shoulds and woulds, the more disappointment I heap upon myself…
Psychotherapy: what it is
There are a variety of approaches, resources, tools and modalities that the psychotherapeutic relationship applies. From talk therapy, to transpersonal and to inner child work to body psychotherapy, the best applications are determined by the client’s need and ‘fit.’
Spiritual Psychotherapy vs Spiritual Direction
A look at the benefits and drawbacks of the two different approaches…
Contemplation on Awareness
Exercising the mind – and exorcising the mind of blocks and unhealthy patterns – is essential to living a fulsome, holistic life…