
  • Spiritual Psychotherapy

    Psychotherapy helps individuals change how they approach their problems and blocks to overcome them in desired ways, through healthy coping skills and approaches learned through the therapeutic relationship.

  • Havening

    Traumatic events can become encoded right into our biochemistry and no amount of talking about it will de-potentiate its painful control over our life and living. Havening is a powerful new approach that can transform the mind-body encoded trauma, with astounding results.

  • Spiritual Direction

    Spiritual Direction provides balance, compassion, tough love and illumination as an individual is confronted, proposed and challenged to connect with the Divine’s affirmation of their worth, of God’s/Universe’s affirmation of their potential.

  • Sound Healing

    Carrie offers both curated individual sound healing sessions, gentle sound baths or shamanic journeys and larger Group Soundbath Experiences. Gentle, relaxing, this sensory approach has capacity to go where our words no longer reach, and brings a restorative sense and well-being not found in other modalities.

  • Group Psychotherapy

    Spiritual Group Psychotherapy brings all the best of traditional group therapy and folds in the opportunity for experiential explorations of one’s inner sense and relationship to self. This offering introduces modalities such as sound and art into the circle, allowing new avenues of transformative awareness to arise.

  • Events

    Carrie’s offerings continue to grow - from meditation circles to workshops to full retreats, you will find everything presently on offer on the Events Page. Keep up to date on all the latest happenings - subscribe to the Newsletter!

  • Gene Keys

    This profound transmission of living wisdom is transformative, life-changing insight into unlocking higher conscious awareness, personal creative genius and higher purpose, all through the art of gentle contemplation.

  • Energy Healing

    Carrie is trained in Hynni Energy Healing (pronounced ‘honey’), a unique fusion of psychology, alchemy, elemental, and spiritual wisdom that guides the client into gentle inner terrain and discovery of their own personal wisdom.

  • Spiritual Retreats & Workshops

    Stepping away from the everyday and the mundane is essential to one’s holistic wellbeing. Personal growth, healing, learning, new experiences, engaging not only the mind but also the senses - this is something Carrie loves to curate. Unique workshops, like labyrinth-crafting and kintsugi, and retreats all about soul rejuvenation and empowerment are Carrie’s favourite offerings.