Spiritual Psychotherapy
Traditional psychotherapy’s pursuit is to address the individual’s emotional self and mood.
Spiritual psychotherapy incorporates into that traditional method the psycho-spiritual dimensions, carrying an emphasis on access to the individual’s higher consciousness in pursuit of understanding, healing and empowering the self, in context to the greater whole.
It’s all about coming to understand the actions and patterns of our emotional receipt and expression. It’s about finding one’s own voice and enacting one’s own choice in life.
Psychotherapy helps individuals change how they approach their problems and blocks to overcome them in desired ways, through healthy coping skills and approaches learned through the therapeutic relationship.
The fundamentals of the client-therapist relationship you will experience with me are:
Our relationship and work will remain squarely centred on you
We will ensure our interactions remain congruent
I will provide to you unconditional positive regard
Your time with me will be upheld in empathy and care