Group Spiritual Psychotherapy
Coming together in a Group Circle provides encouragement and strength to pursue personal wholeness and healing.
Whatever it is, your story deserves the space to be witnessed and held, and the unburdening of your pain can have unconditional support.
Planned start dates for both the Large Group and the Micro Group Circles are listed below the Group descriptions, further down this page. Contact us to inquire about or register for any of the upcoming Group Circles.
A fresh approach, Spiritual Group Therapy is experiential, introspective and creative, tapping into your Inner Magi. This won’t be just a talk circle - we will be engaging your five senses and your intuition on this healing journey back to soul essence. Both the Larger and the Micro Group Circles will be interspersed with creative expressions to allow you to shine bright in your personal truth of being.
There is strength found in numbers…
Gather in Larger Circle
The Larger Circle 2-hour weekly meetings will run on Mondays - afternoons 4:30-6:00 pm or evenings 6:30-8:00 pm, and these circles are limited to a maximum 8 participants per circle. These will run in 13-week cycles covering a total 20 hours of participatory experience. The Circles are a great fit for those who are familiar with the therapeutic process, have already done some personal therapy and are ready to expand their personal agency in life.
Gather in Micro Circle
The Micro Circle is a new SoulSigma Offering that will run during the day, and possibly in the evening should demand present. The Micro Circle will host 2-4 participants, will meet weekly for 90-minute sessions and run in 13-week cycles, covering a total of 20 hours of participatory experience. This is a unique and often less overwhelming group experience, a safe introduction to group therapy for those anxious about - but wanting to participate in - group psychotherapy.
Weekend Soul Retrieval Intensive
Combining ritual and psychodrama, the Soul Retrieval Intensive invites participants to challenge the places of past pain that have fragmented the soul and the Self’s experience of wholeness held hostage. This 2-day workshop (15 hours total) will give participants the opportunity to transform and heal their anger, grief, fear and shame on a deep emotional level in a loving and supportive environment - an opportunity to “call home” those lost pieces of soul and to return closer and more completely to one’s own authentic being.
Afternoons 4:30-6:00 pm
Evenings 6:30-8:00 pm
2023 Group - Mondays
March 20th start
September 11th start
2024 Group - Mondays
January 8th start
April 15th start
September 11th start
Presently there are no weekend intensives planned or booked. Potential offerings in Winter and Spring of 2024 to be announced.