It’s a Go Live on the Site refresh!

My website, which has served me well over the years, was beginning to wane - my offerings have expanded, my expertise is honing, and my experiential offerings are growing. I was on a platform that was powerful, for sure, but also a bit beyond my sole practitioner scope to handle directly.

And finding a pro for on-the-fly changes and updates wasn’t in the wheelhouse (understandably, they’re busy people with numerous clients and gigs) of late. So, a shift, a simplicity ensued, and here I am, in new cyber digs.

I still have some things to figure out and finesse, but it is mostly where it needs to be! For that I’m thankful to Esther Sanchez for building out the bones and ensuring links and points are ‘on point.’ Next up, new logo. I’m very excited for that!

So, welcome to the new digs. Have a cruise around, take it in. If any of the content inspires interest or questions, don’t hesitate to drop a note!


On broken-heartedness


The Trap of Expectations